Pea, Mint and Fetta Risotto

This dish might not be one we grew up with but it’s become a regular in the Dasaki kitchen. It’s comforting served hot or delicious served cold as a summertime lunch. We’ve added courgette to this one but it works without.


SERVES: 3 - 4 as a main or 5 - 6 as a starter

PREPTIME: 15 minutes

COOKING TIME: 30 to 40 minutes


180g Short grain rice such as Aroborio, Carnaroli, Vialone, Nano, or Baldo.

I brown onion - finely chopped

Virgin olive oil

150g Frozen peas or better still petit pois. (take them out of freezer before you start so that they are defrosting by the time you need them)

100g Fetta - Try to get the creamy type you’ve seen in our vids.

1 large courgettes (optional)

Half teaspoon dried oregano

20 g Fresh mint, roughly chopped

500ml Vegetable or chicken stock.

A glass of dry white wine.

Salt and Pepper


Start by prepping the courgette: Slice lengthways into quarters, then slice away the seedy middles.

Now slice the strips sideways into 1 cm wide pieces.

In a wide pan, heat up about 1 tablespoon, or so, of the olive oil, and saute the courgette for 5 - 10 minutes with the oregano, a pinch of salt and a good grind of pepper.

Remove the courgette from the pan and leave to the side. Do this whilst still a little firm as it will continue to cook a little when you add to the risotto.

Next add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, add the onion and gently fry till soft but not browned.

Remove pan from heat and add the rice. Stir to coat all the grains of rice with oniony oil.

Return to the heat and pour in the wine. Simmer, frequently stirring, until the wine has been absorbed.

Now start adding the stock, one ladle at a time, stirring frequently. Reduce each ladle before adding the next.

Continue in this way until the rice is cooked through but still firm to the bite.

Now stir in the peas , courgette and half the mint.

Simmer for a few minutes longer then stir in half the feta.

Check seasoning and add salt and pepper if needed.

If it feels too thick stir in a little more wine or stock. If it feels too sloppy simmer a little longer but don’t let it overcook. The consistency should be like that of porridge.

Finally, crumble over the remaining feta and sprinkle over the remaining mint. And serve.

Sam Thomas