
Check out these amazing Cypriot meat filled bulgar shells…

Mum always told me that she remembers going to weddings and these were sold in the church grounds. (Also sometimes they would look forward to the Koupes more than the wedding :)

Enjoy.. Let’s Eat!!

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Sam Thomas

Check out these amazing cheese filled, buttered filo pies. A great little snack to make with kids or as part of a mezze. Trust me once you have one, it’ll be hard to stop… Enjoy.

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Sam Thomas
Home Made Halloumi

Every so often Stede would decide to make her own halloumi and my Mum said that they would all watch like hungry kittens. Is it ready yet? So she would break off a little bit and mould it into something that had little ears and a tail and give it to them to eat there and then.  It was heaven… warm, soft and squeaky; Mum says she can taste it now after all these years. 

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I remember Stede would go into the garden and pick the leaves from her vine to make these.  We always had them if visitors were coming to dinner and they were often served as a side dish with the Sunday roast.

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Vegan Vine Leaves

Stede always made Koupepia with minced pork or a mix of pork and beef. Any variation just wasn’t right.

However… we quite recently developed this meatless version and hey… we think they’re pretty good and extremely morish. I’m sure she would agree.

vegan / vegetarian

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