Home Made Halloumi

This is THE Cypriot cheese


Halloumi is Cypriot firm, brined cheese traditionally made from a combination of goat and sheep Milk, although cow’s milk can be used. The cheese is often used in cooking and can be fried until brown without melting. Perfect on a BBQ. Growing up I remember having it with water melon, the saltiness of the cheese with the sweet freshness of the water melon is mouth wateringly good.





  • 8 pints whole milk

  • Essence of rennet (amount according to manufacturer)

  • Salt to taste

  • Mint, dried about one teaspoonful


Put milk into a large saucepan and place on a low heat on the hob until it reaches body temperature - this is for as long as you can tolerate your little finger in for about 20 seconds.

Add the rennet and stir then turn off heat and leave to set.

With a long knife, cut through the set mixture in a chequerboard fashion.

Return to a low heat and with scrubbed clean hands, very gently push the mixture towards the bottom of the saucepan. (at this stage the mixture will start to separate into curds and whey).

When all the mixture has been gathered into a mass, gently squeeze as much of the moisture out between your two palms and place into a fine sieve or colander lined with muslin and leave to drain further. You could fold the muslin over the halloumi and place a weight on top or twist the muslin at the top to squeeze more liquid out. You should be able to yield two from this amount of milk.

Add the salt to the whey then put the halloumi back into the saucepan and increase the heat. The halloumi should be ready when it starts to float to the top.

Remove from the whey and rub in the mint.

Leave to cool and enjoy.

Tip:  After taking out the halloumi, you could continue to heat the whey on a medium heat and when it starts to foam at the top, add a little lemon juice or vinegar and you may get a little ‘Anari’ which is like ricotta cheese